If you want to have an easy life, don't become an architect

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    Trylińskiego-Straße 16 OPNT, Gebäude B3

    10-683 Olsztyn

    phone +48 89 612 07 30 email info(at)globtree.pl

    NIP (TAX ID): PL 739 367 92 38
    REGON (statistische Erfassungsnummer): 280292161
    KRS (Nationales Gerichtsregister) 0000304081
    Stammkapital: 50.000,00 PLN


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    22 1050 1764 1000 0090 3228 0662

    Unsere Experten sind für Sie da!

    Adrian Pietnoczka Chief Executive Officer phone +48 89 612 07 30 email apietnoczka(at)globtree.pl
    Jakub Mikulak Chief Operating Officer phone +48 89 612 07 30 email jmikulak(at)globtree.pl
    Edyta Kamińska Chief Administrative Officer phone +48 89 612 07 30 email ekaminska(at)globtree.pl
    Adrian Świder Chief Information Officer phone +48 89 612 07 30 email aswider(at)globtree.pl