The GlobTree system is used to collect, store, analyze and share real-time readings from heat and water meters and heat allocators.
It's an easy and transparent system for managing readings, historical data, and alerts in case there are failures, leaks, or malfunctions in metering equipment.
GlobTree it:

To use the system, all you need is a computer with Internet access.

The system is technology-neutral - readings of measuring devices from different manufacturers.

The system is billed as a service - and the price is affected by the number of readings of devices, not the size of the license
Cloud-based system - available
anytime, anywhere
- Access the cloud-based system 24/7 from anywhere with Internet access
- Storage of readings and maintenance of databases by professional IT entities
- Highest level of security provided by data hosting providers
- Operation of measuring devices from different manufacturers
- Motivate Consumers to save and optimize utility consumption through access to up-to-date information
- Guarantee of correctness of accounts

Map - the basic
tool of visualization
- Clear visualization of many parameters on a map with the course of the network plotted
- Use of a cold/warm color scheme makes it easier to identify and evaluate the deviation status of a parameter value
- With real-time synchronization of readings from all measurement and control points, the image on the map faithfully reflects the current state of the network

Active layers
- Visualization of alarm conditions on a map allows for a quick view of failures across the network
- Setting up address point pins, loading layers, etc. is done independently by the user, without the need to involve external cooperators

- Communication with any devices (water, heat, electricity meters, regulators, pressure transducers, etc.) using dedicated and typical communication protocols
- Modular design: readings plus telemetry - possibility to implement in stages or expand the system at any time
- Accurate analysis due to simultaneous readings of all devices
- Functions of automatic supervision and notification of the user about measurement irregularities or installation faults

Supervision function
- Allows you to set up and edit any number of conditions and mathematical formulas to control any parameter change
- The formulas support parameters read directly from the devices, their changes over a specified time interval, as well as attributes (virtual parameters) entered by the user
- The positive result of the surveillance formula can be shown on the map as a change in the color of the pin symbolizing the address point, as well as sent as any content to selected addressees also not being a registered user of the system (observer)
- Alarms are grouped in the Events panel for easy viewing of active cases
- Each event is recorded in the history of the address point, which allows you to assess the quality of operation of specific devices or the entire node

Group control
- Two-way online communication, ability to make changes at any time "on demand"
- Remote operation of multiple addresses from a single map view
- Changing one or more settings, regardless of the type and function of the controller
- Record of each control operation in the register: control history with date and ID of user making changes

Integration of
with the waste management system
waste management
GlobTree is supporting a revolutionary change in the method of calculating waste fees based on water consumption. Basing the cost of waste collection on the amount of water used will tighten the system and adjust the fees to the real production of waste in a household. This solution represents the most efficient and equitable way to collect waste collection and recycling fees.
Making the fee dependent on water consumption contributes significantly to the use of resources in a sustainable manner. Residents gain the opportunity to influence the bill by reducing the amount of water used, which has a positive impact on the environment. Analyzing water consumption in the mobile app that each Resident receives will significantly reduce household costs.
Collector Reading - GlobTree Routify
Reading by the collection method using the RUTO telemetry head allows quick and easy reading of meters equipped with an overlay or Wireless M-Bus OMS radio module. Radio reading takes much less time, and the digital method of data exchange eliminates manual data entry errors. The meters are equipped with radio heads, listening and receiving radio frames from the measuring devices. Through Bluetooth communication, the head transmits data to the GlobTree Routify app, installed on an Android mobile device. The app assigns a measuring device number to the information retrieved from the meter, then the meter reading is stored in the phone’s memory. Data can be collected on both walking (walk-by system) and detouring (drive-by system) collection routes. Meter data collected on the mobile device is sent to the GlobTree system, where the readings are analyzed and shared.
- Lower waste collection fees
- Influence the size of your bills with 24/7 access to data
- Access to real costs of water consumption/waste production
- Online payments
GlobTree Mobile

The GlobTree Mobile app provides 24/7 access to data on a smartphone or tablet for people living in an area covered by remote reading of metering devices operated under the GlobTree system. Users of the GlobTree Mobile app gain the ability to monitor and reduce their own energy and water losses. Using the app can significantly contribute to increasing environmental awareness among Residents, optimizing resource use and generating savings in the household budget.

Data sharing
e-bok – invoice payments
The e-BOK and e-services functionalities offered include the following modules:
- document handling,
- administrator,
- content management (CMS),
- communication with the ePUAP platform,
- downloading data from Domain Systems,
- online payment and liability handling,
- public register.
The most popular e-services:
- access to electronic invoices with on-line payment,
- access to the electronic notification and supervision system (network failure, monitoring of own meter, information about threats and events),
- application for the specification of technical conditions for connection to the heating network,
- application for the conclusion of a contract for the supply of utilities,
- access service to the current meter reading and historical billing states,
- application for total or partial cancellation of receivables, e.g. for the water supplied
Customers choosing to implement an e-BOK and e-services system have the option to implement any e-services forms.
Among the functionalities associated with accessing data using e-BOK, it is also possible to make invoice payments or share meter readings on the GlobTree Mobile app for any number of people.

Integration with bilig systems
One of the many applications of the GlobTree system is the sharing of reading data collected in the telemetry cloud for billing purposes. The integration can be two-way – the GlobTree system will provide reading data to the billing system, or it will be fed with evidentiary data from the billing system to supplement the information in GlobTree.

We support integration with the most popular billing systems on the market, including:
- Unisoft
- GW-Max
- Kom-Media
- Logica